Affiliate program.

Recommend RepliQ to your audience and clients and be rewarded with 33% monthly recurring revenue. For life!

Get Started

Share a link to your network and track your profit in your own dashboard.

Affiliate program RepliQ

Become an
affiliate partner.

In 3 simple steps


your link

Retrieve your affiliate link in LinkMinks dashboard. Share your link to your network and start earning! 

Note that even if your referrals come to our website but don't sign up until 6 months later, they will still be tracked back to you.


Track your earnings

Your earnings will be paied out automatically each month for the the last months result.

You can track your own progress and profit in your own customed dashboard.

Affiliate program RepliQRepliQ affiliateAffiliate Repliq
“Easy to track earnings, easy to convert, customers love RepliQ.”
Cristopher Smith
Marketing agency
“This lifetime affiliate program is attractive.”
Sarah Am
Solo entrepreneur
“i refer many clients to RepliQ affiliate program and earn on top of loving the tool.”
Matt Johnson
Product owner

Get started with RepliQ today.

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